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Social Media Programmed Sheep. Turn it off. Film Making

Updated: Apr 9

Embracing Creativity at 51: A Journey into Uncharted Territory

Film making, as I approach the milestone of turning 51, I find myself reflecting on my journey thus far, particularly within the creative industry. Having spent a significant portion of my life immersed in various creative endeavors, I've come to realize that the urge to be creative is not just a fleeting desire but a fundamental part of who I am. However, as I stand at this crossroads of age and experience, I feel an undeniable pull towards exploring new avenues of creativity, particularly in my YouTube filmmaking endeavors.

Throughout my career, I've always strived to push boundaries, challenge norms, and break away from the confines of conformity. I've never been one to adhere to tick boxes or follow prescribed paths dictated by others. Instead, I've always sought to carve out my own unique niche, to tell stories that resonate with authenticity and passion.

Now, as I embark on this new chapter of my creative journey through YouTube filmmaking, I feel a renewed sense of excitement and purpose. The platform offers boundless opportunities for self-expression and experimentation, free from the constraints of traditional media channels. And while my Patreon support may be modest at the moment, I'm fueled by the belief that with dedication and ingenuity, I can turn my passion into a sustainable financial entity, enabling me to transition away from conventional employment and fully immerse myself in the world of creativity.

My focus lies in the exploration of the great outdoors and the vibrant culture of vanlife. These are realms that have always held a special place in my heart, evoking a sense of wonder and adventure that ignites my creative spirit. Through my YouTube channel, I aim to capture the beauty of nature, the thrill of exploration, and the unique stories of those who embrace life on the road. But more than just showcasing picturesque landscapes or adrenaline-fueled adventures, I want to delve deeper, to uncover the profound connections between humanity and the natural world, to inspire others to seek their own path of self-discovery and fulfillment.

For me, creativity is not just about producing content for the sake of it; it's about daring to dream, to push the boundaries of what's possible, and to make a meaningful impact on the world around us. It's about embracing uncertainty, taking risks, and embracing the journey, wherever it may lead.

So, as I stand on the threshold of this new chapter in my creative journey, I invite you to join me as I embark on this adventure of self-discovery and exploration. Together, let's defy expectations, challenge conventions, and celebrate the boundless potential of creativity in all its forms. After all, age is just a number, but the desire to create knows no bounds.

Escaping the Chains of Social Media

(Film not released yet)In a world where the glow of screens dominates our every moment, and the incessant buzz of notifications dictates our lives, it's easy to feel like we're prisoners to the digital age. We scroll endlessly, seeking validation in the form of likes and recognition, while the insidious grasp of social media tightens around us, shaping our beliefs, our values, and even our identities.

This is the harsh reality that my latest film confronts head-on. With an unflinching gaze, I delve into the depths of my own hatred for social media and the profound impact it has on our society. Through a series of powerful visuals and raw, honest commentary, I aim to expose the dark underbelly of our digital addiction, challenging viewers to question the role that social media plays in their own lives. My film style is film + motion graphics, I feel the Graphics bring a different tone that film footage strengthens, it is a style I feel is my own, and standing out in a crowd is difficult online. I hope people enjoy the visuals as much as I enjoy making them.

At its core, my film is a rebellion against the manufactured realities and superficial connections that dominate our online existence. We're force-fed wars, political agendas, and sensationalized stories, all designed to keep us engaged and divided. We're manipulated into choosing sides, feeding into a cycle of outrage and polarization that only serves to further erode our sense of unity and empathy.

But perhaps most insidious of all is the relentless pursuit of likes and recognition. We measure our worth in followers and engagements, trading authenticity for approval in a never-ending quest for validation. We become slaves to the algorithm, trapped in a cycle of comparison and self-doubt that leaves us feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Through my film, I invite viewers to take a step back and reassess their relationship with social media. Are we truly in control, or are we being controlled? Are we passive consumers, blindly accepting the narratives that are force-fed to us, or are we actively shaping our own digital destinies?

I believe that now, more than ever, it's crucial that we reclaim our autonomy and break free from the chains of social media. We must resist the temptation to measure our worth in likes and recognition, and instead focus on cultivating genuine connections and meaningful experiences in the real world.

It won't be easy. The allure of the digital realm is powerful, and the pull of social media is strong. But if we can muster the courage to unplug, to disconnect, and to reclaim our humanity, then perhaps we can begin to forge a path towards a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

So, as you watch my latest film, I urge you to consider the role that social media plays in your own life. Are you ready to break free from the chains that bind you, and embrace a future where human connection, not digital validation, reigns supreme? The choice is yours.

Concept, Filming, Edited, Motion Graphics, Sound Design, and Grading by BOOTS. (Andy Lunn)


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