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Discovering the Breathtaking Scenery of Settle through a 7.5 Mile Hike in the Yorkshire Dales

Updated: Apr 9

As a Yorkshire man and proud one at that, I do feel I have neglected many of the trails in my home county. I have ridden so many times with the BOTG supporters in the Peak District that I felt the need to get back to my roots and Boots on the Ground and actually do just that. Hiking and Vanlife have gone hand in boot together especially now I have a camper van.

My hike begins from a very, very, very cold car park in the center of Settle, so much so the diesel heater has been blowing out warm at 16 degrees all night, even so getting out of that bag was not easy. I look a hundred years old in a morning as it is, I have these terrible eye bags that I have been really conscious of recently no wonder I have been single for so many years, and Kate Bekinsale prefers men whose balls have only just dropped, so I am out of luck at 50.

As we set off I felt this urge to learn about the environment, the area of this brilliant trek, how Attimire Scar was made from seashells and corals crushed on the sea floor millions of years ago, it's quite mind blowing, along with the fact the route we are walking today was once tropical, hard to believe when it feels so cold as if I have been stabbed with a million cold needles.

Yorkshire Dales Hike

I have missed a large part of this hike as I feel a video is a better way to show you just how dangerous the Stainforth Force is. I stupidly walked up to these falls and nearly went in, due to the freezing temperatures that had made the edges of the falls into ice. Yes people jump in during summer, but in winter the temperatures and high flow of water, it is a death sentence. Please be careful if you venture to the edge of the falls, this includes pets and children.

This trail will take you around 3 hours at an easy pace, it does include Attimire Scar, The River Ribble, Stainforth Force, the Winskill Stones, Victoria Cave, Jubilee Cave, in fact this trail has it all there is even some beautiful single track through a forest alongside the winding stream of the flowing river.

If I could give you any advice it would be to visit mid morning, this gives you the opportunity to visit the cafe halfway round as you pass a beautiful medieval stone bridge, the cafe will be on your left up the hill but it does not open until 11am on a Saturday.

The following video will showcase this trail and give you a great understanding as to why I think this is the perfect Sunday Yorkshire Dales Hike. Paid guided Hikes including this trail are coming to the BOTG adventure website soon.



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